Studio Amanda Lilholt is founded by Danish furniture designer and artist Amanda Lilholt in 2017.

Amanda has a master from The Royal Danish Academy Of Fine Arts.. Her work is highly sculptural and is derived from pure self-expression and instinct. She transform feelings into something touchable. Her way of designing is driven by her intuition and with the desire to combine design and art. It has to contain an artistic nerve, have a high aesthetic value and a clear function in mind.

The studio is based in Copenhagen, Denmark and besides designing and producing furniture Amanda is also an artist creating abstract art. She uses her intuition and love for colors and compositions as an important step of her design process when creating furniture.

Her designs are often born from a curiosity and an urge to transform a feeling in to a psychical form – to look inward rather than outward. She uses her intuition as the most important tool in her design process.

She often focus on form before function to allow herself to be experimental in the process and not searching for solutions in the beginning, but trying to create a form that reflects her state of mind and feelings.